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Use of electronic devices of any kind is prohibited. \medbreak Duration: 2 hours \ifcorrige This answer key has \textcolor{red}{xxx} pages (cover page included). \else This exam has \textcolor{red}{xxx} pages (cover page included). \fi \vfill {\noindent\tiny \immediate\write18{sh ./vc > vcline.tex} Git: \input{vcline.tex} \immediate\write18{echo ' (stale)' >> vcline.tex} \par} \pagebreak % % % \exercise We say that a set of eight distinct points $p_0,\ldots,p_7$ in the projective plane $\mathbb{P}^2$ over a field $k$ is a \textbf{Möbius-Kantor configuration} when the points $p_0,p_1,p_3$ are aligned, as well as $p_1,p_2,p_4$ and $p_2,p_3,p_5$ and so on cyclically mod $8$, and no other set of three of the $p_i$ is aligned. In other words, this means that $p_i,p_j,p_k$ are aligned if and only if $\{i,j,k\} = \{\ell,\; \ell+1,\; \ell+3\}$ for some $\ell \in \mathbb{Z}/8\mathbb{Z}$, where the subscripts are understood to be mod $8$. The following figure (which is meant as a \emph{symbolic representation} of the configuration and not as an actual geometric figure!) illustrates the setup and can help keep track of which points are aligned with which: \begin{center} \vskip-7ex\leavevmode \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (P0) at (2cm,0); \coordinate (P1) at (1.414cm,1.414cm); \coordinate (P2) at (0,2cm); \coordinate (P3) at (-1.414cm,1.414cm); \coordinate (P4) at (-2cm,0); \coordinate (P5) at (-1.414cm,-1.414cm); \coordinate (P6) at (0,-2cm); \coordinate (P7) at (1.414cm,-1.414cm); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P0) -- (P1) .. controls ($2.5*(P1)-1.5*(P0)$) and ($2.5*(P2)-1.5*(P1)$) .. (P3); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P1) -- (P2) .. controls ($2.5*(P2)-1.5*(P1)$) and ($2.5*(P3)-1.5*(P2)$) .. (P4); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P2) -- (P3) .. controls ($2.5*(P3)-1.5*(P2)$) and ($2.5*(P4)-1.5*(P3)$) .. (P5); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P3) -- (P4) .. controls ($2.5*(P4)-1.5*(P3)$) and ($2.5*(P5)-1.5*(P4)$) .. (P6); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P4) -- (P5) .. controls ($2.5*(P5)-1.5*(P4)$) and ($2.5*(P6)-1.5*(P5)$) .. (P7); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P5) -- (P6) .. controls ($2.5*(P6)-1.5*(P5)$) and ($2.5*(P7)-1.5*(P6)$) .. (P0); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P6) -- (P7) .. controls ($2.5*(P7)-1.5*(P6)$) and ($2.5*(P0)-1.5*(P7)$) .. (P1); \draw[shorten <=-0.5cm, shorten >=-0.3cm] (P7) -- (P0) .. controls ($2.5*(P0)-1.5*(P7)$) and ($2.5*(P1)-1.5*(P0)$) .. (P2); \fill[black] (P0) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P1) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P2) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P3) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P4) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P5) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P6) circle (2.5pt); \fill[black] (P7) circle (2.5pt); \node[anchor=west] at (P0) {$p_0$}; \node[anchor=south west] at (P1) {$p_1$}; \node[anchor=south] at (P2) {$p_2$}; \node[anchor=south east] at (P3) {$p_3$}; \node[anchor=east] at (P4) {$p_4$}; \node[anchor=north east] at (P5) {$p_5$}; \node[anchor=north] at (P6) {$p_6$}; \node[anchor=north west] at (P7) {$p_7$}; \end{tikzpicture} \vskip-7ex\leavevmode \end{center} The goal of this exercise is to determine over which fields $k$ a Möbius-Kantor configuration exists, and compute the coordinates of its points. We fix a field $k$. The word “point”, in what follows, will refer to an element of $\mathbb{P}^2(k)$, in other words, a point with coordinates in $k$ (that is, a $k$-point). We shall write as $(x{:}y{:}z)$ the coordinates of a point, and as $[u{:}v{:}w]$ the line $\{ux+vy+wz = 0\}$. Recall that the line through $(x_1{:}y_1{:}z_1)$ and $(x_2{:}y_2{:}z_2)$ (assumed distinct) is given by the formula $[(y_1 z_2 - y_2 z_1) : (z_1 x_2 - z_2 x_1) : (x_1 y_2 - x_2 y_1)]$, and that the same formula (exchanging parentheses and square brackets) can also be used to compute the intersection of two distinct lines. (This may not always be the best or simplest way\footnote{For example, one shouldn't need this formula to notice that the line through $(42{:}0{:}0)$ and $(0{:}1729{:}0)$ is $[0{:}0{:}1]$.} to compute coordinates, however!) \emph{We assume for questions (1)–(5) below that $p_0,\ldots,p_7$ is a Möbius-Kantor configuration of points (over the given field $k$), and the questions will serve to compute the coordinates of the points.} We denote $\ell_{ijk}$ the line through $p_i,p_j,p_k$ when it exists. \textbf{(1)} Explain why we can assume, without loss of generality, that $p_0=(1{:}0{:}0)$ and $p_1=(0{:}1{:}0)$ and $p_2=(0{:}0{:}1)$ and $p_5=(1{:}1{:}1)$. \emph{We shall henceforth do so.} \textbf{(2)} Compute the coordinates of the lines $\ell_{013}$, $\ell_{124}$, $\ell_{235}$, $\ell_{560}$ and $\ell_{702}$, and of the point $p_3$. \textbf{(3)} Explain why we can write, without loss of generality, the coordinates of $p_4$ in the form $(0{:}\xi{:}1)$ for some $\xi$ (in $k$). (Note that two things need to be explained here: why the first coordinate is $0$ and why the last can be taken to be $1$.) \textbf{(4)} Now compute the coordinates of the line $\ell_{346}$, of the point $p_6$, and of the lines $\ell_{457}$ and $\ell_{671}$. \textbf{(5)} Write the coordinates of the last remaining point $p_7$ in two different ways (using two different pairs of lines) and conclude that $\xi$ must satisfy $1-\xi+\xi^2 = 0$. \textbf{(6)} Deduce from questions (1)–(5) above that, if a Möbius-Kantor configuration over $k$ exists, then there is $\xi\in k$ such that $1-\xi+\xi^2 = 0$. \textbf{(7)} Conversely, using the coordinate computations performed in questions (2)–(5), explain why, if there is $\xi\in k$ such that $1-\xi+\xi^2 = 0$, then a Möbius-Kantor configuration over $k$ exists. (A long explanation is not required, but at least explain what checks need be done.) \textbf{(8)} Give two different examples of fields $k$, one infinite and one finite, over which a Möbius-Kantor configuration exists, and similarly two examples over which it does not exist. % % % \exercise The focus of this exercise is \textbf{Klein's quartic}, namely the projective algebraic variety $C$ defined by the equation \[ x^3 y + y^3 z + z^3 x = 0 \] in $\mathbb{P}^2$ with coordinates $(x{:}y{:}z)$. Note the symmetry of this equation under cyclic permutation of the coordinates\footnote{To dispel any possible confusion, this means simultaneously replacing $x$ by $y$, $y$ by $z$ and $z$ by $x$.}, which will come in handy to simplify some computations. To refer to it more easily, we shall denote $f := x^3 y + y^3 z + z^3 x$ the polynomial defining the equation of $C$. We shall work over a field $k$ having characteristic $\not\in\{2,7\}$. For simplicity, we shall also assume $k$ to be algebraically closed (even though this won't matter at all). \textbf{(1)} The following relation holds (this is a straightforward computation, and it is not required to check it): \[ -27xyz\,\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} +(28x^3-3y^2 z)\,\frac{\partial f}{\partial y} -9yz^2\,\frac{\partial f}{\partial z} = 28x^6 \tag{$*$} \] What does the relation ($*$), together with the other two obtained by cyclically permuting coordinates, tell us about the ideal generated by $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$, $\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}$ and $\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}$ in $k[x,y,z]$? What does this imply on the set of points where $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$, $\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}$ and $\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}$ all vanish? \smallskip \emph{The previous question implies that $C$ is a (plane) curve. The following picture is a rough sketch of an affine part of $C$ over the real field.} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{scope}[thick] \clip (-3,-3) -- (3,-3) -- (3,3) -- (-3,3) -- cycle; \draw (-3.000,5.251) .. controls (-2.667,4.397) and (-2.333,3.618) .. (-2.000,2.946) ; \draw (-2.000,2.946) .. controls (-1.833,2.610) and (-1.667,2.301) .. (-1.500,2.028); \draw (-1.500,2.028) .. controls (-1.333,1.755) and (-1.167,1.519) .. (-1.000,1.325) ; \draw (-1.000,1.325) .. controls (-0.833,1.130) and (-0.667,0.981) .. (-0.500,0.846) ; \draw (-0.500,0.846) .. controls (-0.417,0.779) and (-0.333,0.716) .. (-0.250,0.638) ; \draw (-0.250,0.638) .. controls (-0.208,0.600) and (-0.167,0.558) .. (-0.125,0.501) ; \draw (-0.125,0.501) .. controls (-0.104,0.473) and (-0.083,0.441) .. (-0.062,0.397) ; \draw (-0.062,0.397) .. controls (0,0.265) and (0,0.133) .. (0,0) ; \draw (0,0) .. controls (0,-0.133) and (0,-0.265) .. (0.062,-0.397) ; \draw (0.062,-0.397) .. controls (0.083,-0.441) and (0.104,-0.471) .. (0.125,-0.499) ; \draw (0.125,-0.499) .. controls (0.167,-0.553) and (0.208,-0.590) .. (0.250,-0.622) ; \draw (0.250,-0.622) .. controls (0.333,-0.684) and (0.417,-0.720) .. (0.500,-0.741) ; \draw (0.500,-0.741) .. controls (0.667,-0.783) and (0.833,-0.755) .. (1.000,-0.682) ; \draw (1.000,-0.682) .. controls (1.167,-0.610) and (1.333,-0.501) .. (1.500,-0.422) ; \draw (1.500,-0.422) .. controls (1.667,-0.343) and (1.833,-0.288) .. (2.000,-0.248) ; \draw (2.000,-0.248) .. controls (2.333,-0.168) and (2.667,-0.136) .. (3.000,-0.111) ; \draw (-3.000,-5.140) .. controls (-2.667,-4.261) and (-2.333,-3.452) .. (-2.000,-2.694) ; \draw (-2.000,-2.694) .. controls (-1.833,-2.315) and (-1.667,-1.962) .. (-1.500,-1.552) ; \draw (-1.500,-1.552) .. controls (-1.458,-1.449) and (-1.417,-1.346) .. (-1.375,-1.209) ; \draw (-1.375,-1.209) .. controls (-1.315,-1.013) and (-1.263,-0.817) .. (-1.375,-0.621) ; \draw (-1.375,-0.621) .. controls (-1.417,-0.548) and (-1.458,-0.511) .. (-1.500,-0.477) ; \draw (-1.500,-0.477) .. controls (-1.667,-0.339) and (-1.833,-0.295) .. (-2.000,-0.252) ; \draw (-2.000,-0.252) .. controls (-2.333,-0.166) and (-2.667,-0.136) .. (-3.000,-0.111) ; \end{scope} \draw[->, shorten <=-0.1cm, shorten >=-0.1cm, thin] (-3,0) -- (3,0); \draw[->, shorten <=-0.1cm, shorten >=-0.1cm, thin] (0,-3) -- (0,3); \node[anchor=west] at (3,0) {$\scriptstyle x/z \,=:\, u$}; \node[anchor=south] at (0,3) {$\scriptstyle y/z \,=:\, v$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} We now define the three points $a := (1{:}0{:}0)$, $b := (0{:}1{:}0)$ and $c := (0{:}0{:}1)$ (which obviously lie on $C$). \textbf{(2)} List all points of $C$ where $x$ vanishes. Do the same for $y$ and $z$. \textbf{(3)} Where do the points $a,b,c$ lie on the printed picture? (If they do not lie on the picture, show the direction in which they would be.) What is the equation of the affine part of $C$ drawn on the picture? What is the tangent line at the point $c$? What about $a$ and $b$? \textbf{(4)} Considering $v := \frac{y}{z}$ as a rational function on $C$, explain why it vanishes at order exactly $1$ at $c$, that is\footnote{We write $\ord_p(h)$ for the order at a point $p \in C$ of a rational function $h \in k(C)$. By the way, please note that $x,y,z$ themselves do not belong to $k(C)$ (they are not functions and have no value by themselves), so we cannot speak of $\ord_p(x)$.}, $\ord_c(v) = 1$. Explain why $\ord_c(u) = \ord_c(u^3 v + v^3)$ where $u := \frac{x}{z}$ and deduce that $\ord_c(u) = 3$. Deduce the order at $c$ of $\frac{y}{x}$ (which is also $\frac{v}{u}$). \textbf{(5)} By using symmetry, compute the order at each one of the three points $a,b,c$ of each one of the three functions $\frac{x}{z}$, $\frac{y}{x}$ and $\frac{z}{y}$. Explain why there are no points (of $C$) other than $a,b,c$ where any of these functions (on $C$) vanishes or has a pole. Summarize this by writing the principal divisors $\divis(\frac{x}{z})$, $\divis(\frac{y}{x})$ and $\divis(\frac{z}{y})$ associated with these three functions. % % % \exercise This exercise is about the \textbf{Segre embedding}\footnote{French: “plongement de Segre”}, which is a way to map the product $\mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q$ of two projective spaces to a larger projective space $\mathbb{P}^n$ (with, as we shall see, $n = pq+p+q$). Assume $k$ is a field. To simplify presentation, assume $k$ is algebraically closed (even though this won't matter at all). Given $p,q\in\mathbb{N}$, the Segre embedding of $\mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q$ is the map $\psi$ given by: \[ \begin{aligned} \psi\colon & \mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q \to \mathbb{P}^n\\ &((x_0:\cdots:x_p),\, (y_0:\cdots:y_q)) \mapsto (x_0 y_0 : x_0 y_1 : \cdots : x_0 y_q : x_1 y_0 : \cdots : x_p y_q)\\ \end{aligned} \] where $n = (p+1)(q+1)-1$ and the coordinates of the endpoint consist of every product $x_i y_j$ with $0\leq i\leq p$ and $0\leq j\leq q$ (in some order which doesn't really matter: here we have chosen the lexicographic ordering). Note that with the definitions given in this course, we cannot state that $\psi$ is a morphism of algebraic varieties (although it certainly \emph{should} be one), because we did not define a “product variety”\footnote{In fact, the Segre embedding is one way of doing this.} $\mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q$. But we can still consider it as a function. Let us label $(z_{0,0} : z_{0,1} : \cdots : z_{p,q})$ the homogeneous coordinates in $\mathbb{P}^n$ (that is, $z_{i,j}$ with $0\leq i\leq p$ and $0\leq j\leq q$), so that $\psi$ is given simply by “$z_{i,j} = x_i y_j$”. We finally consider the Zariski closed subset $S$ of $\mathbb{P}^n$, known as the \textbf{Segre variety}, defined in $\mathbb{P}^n$ by the equations $z_{i,j} z_{i',j'} = z_{i,j'} z_{i',j}$ for all $0\leq i,i'\leq p$ and $0\leq j,j'\leq q$. \medskip \textbf{(1)} Explain why the map $\psi$ is well-defined, i.e., the definition given above makes sense: carefully list the properties that need to be checked, and do so. Explain why $S$ is indeed a Zariski closed subset of $\mathbb{P}^n$: again, carefully state what needs to be checked before doing so. \textbf{(2)} Consider in this question the special case $p=q=1$ (so $n=3$). Simplify the definition of $S$ in this case down to a single equation. Taking $z_{0,0}=0$ as the plane at infinity in $\mathbb{P}^3$, give the equation of the affine part $S \cap \mathbb{A}^3$. Similarly taking $x_0=0$ (resp. $y_0=0$) as the point at infinity in $\mathbb{P}^1$, describe $\psi$ on $\mathbb{A}^1 \times \mathbb{A}^1$. \textbf{(3)} Returning to the case of general $p$ and $q$, show that the image of $\psi$ is contained in $S$, that is, $\psi(\mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q) \subseteq S$. \textbf{(4)} Conversely, explain why for each point $(z_{0,0} : \cdots : z_{p,q})$ in $S$ there is a unique pair of points $((x_0 : \cdots : x_p), (y_0 : \cdots : y_q))$ in $\mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q$ which maps to the given point under $\psi$: in other words, show that $\psi$ is a bijection between $\mathbb{P}^p \times \mathbb{P}^q$ and $S$. \textbf{(5)} Call $\pi\colon S\to \mathbb{P}^p\times\mathbb{P}^q$ the inverse bijection of $\psi$, and call $\pi',\pi''$ its two components. (In other words, if $s = (z_{0,0} : \cdots : z_{p,q})$ is in $S$ then $\pi'(s) = (x_0:\cdots:x_p) \in \mathbb{P}^p$ and $\pi''(s) = (y_0:\cdots:y_p) \in \mathbb{P}^q$ are the unique points such that $(\pi'(s),\pi''(s))$ maps to $s$ under $\psi$.) Show that the maps $\pi' \colon S \to \mathbb{P}^p$ and $\pi'' \colon S \to \mathbb{P}^q$ are morphisms of algebraic varieties. (If this seems too difficult, consider the special case $p=q=1$, and at least try to explain what needs to be checked.) % % % \end{document}