diff options
2 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7d55d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# The Emergency Client - send commands to the emergency daemon
+# David A. Madore <URL: > - Public Domain
+# This is a stupid client which just sends a command verbatim to the
+# emergency daemon. All it takes care of is to put a valid timestamp
+# and MAC.
+# Options recognized:
+# -K <key> specifies the key to use; or -k <filename> specifies a
+# keyfile (the client will use the first line as key).
+# -h <hostname> and -p <number> specifies the host and port to connect
+# to.
+# -t <timestamp> specifies an explicit timestamp to use.
+# The command follows the options.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha256_hex);
+use Socket;
+use Socket6;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use constant {
+my %opts;
+getopts("K:k:h:p:t:", \%opts);
+my $key;
+if ( defined($opts{K}) ) {
+ $key = $opts{K};
+} elsif ( defined($opts{k}) ) {
+ open my $keyfile, "<", $opts{k} or die "Cannot open key file $opts{k}: $!";
+ $key = <$keyfile>;
+ chomp $key;
+ close $keyfile;
+die "No key specified (use -K or -k option)" unless defined($key);
+my $host;
+if ( defined($opts{h}) ) {
+ $host = $opts{h};
+} else {
+ $host = "localhost";
+my $port;
+if ( defined($opts{p}) ) {
+ $port = $opts{p};
+} else {
+ $port = DEFAULT_PORT;
+my @res = getaddrinfo($host, $port, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM)
+ or die "Cannot resolve host $host port $port";
+my ($family, $socktype, $proto, $haddr) = @res;
+my $socket;
+socket $socket, $family, $socktype, $proto or die "Can't create socket: $!";
+bind $socket, sockaddr_in6(0, in6addr_any);
+sub curtime {
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
+ return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
+my $command = $ARGV[0];
+$command = "PING" unless defined($command);
+my $timestamp = $opts{t};
+$timestamp = curtime unless defined($timestamp);
+my $validate = "$command|$timestamp";
+my $maccheck = hmac_sha256_hex($validate, $key);
+send $socket, "$command|$timestamp|$maccheck", 0, $haddr;
+my $buf;
+my $sender;
+eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+ alarm 5;
+ do {
+ $sender = recv($socket, $buf, 16384, 0);
+ } while ( $sender ne $haddr );
+if ( $@ ) {
+ printf "timeout\n";
+} else {
+ printf "%s", $buf;
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5766484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# The Emergency Daemon - wait for simple emergency commands and execute them
+# David A. Madore <URL: > - Public Domain
+# *** The emergency daemon protocol ***
+# Commands are sent through UDP datagrams, normally addressed to port
+# 911. Commands consist of three parts separated or terminated by '|'
+# or \n (but \r\n is also accepted). First part is the command
+# proper. Second is a UTC timestamp in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format
+# (here 'T' and 'Z' are literal 'T' and 'Z'). Third is the
+# HMAC-SHA256, in hexadecimal, of command|timestamp (separated by '|',
+# even if they were separated differently in the input, and not
+# terminated by anything), with a HMAC key shared by client and
+# server.
+# The server response consists of one or more lines terminated by \n.
+# If the command is PING, the server responds PONG. If the command is
+# DATE, the server responds DATE followed by the current time and the
+# timestamp of the last authenticated command. Apart from PING and
+# DATE, all other commands are authenticated: if the HMAC does not
+# match what it should be, the server responds !MAC. If the timestamp
+# does not match the current date +/- 30 seconds, the server responds
+# !DAT; it also does so if the timestamp is not (strictly) greater
+# than the timestamp of the last request.
+# The NOOP command does nothing (but must still be authenticated): the
+# server responds NOOP. The DPID command returns the daemon's PID:
+# the server responds DPID and then the PID itself (on a separate
+# line). The DIE! command causes the daemon to respond BYE! and then
+# quit. The RKEY command causes the daemon to reread its key file:
+# the server responds either DONE or !ERR in case of error, in which
+# case the next line in the response is a human-readable error line.
+# The SYRQ command is followed by whitespace and then by data to be
+# written to /proc/sysrq-trigger: the server responds either DONE or
+# !ERR in case of error, in which case the next line in the response
+# is a human-readable error line.
+# *** The emergency daemon itself ***
+# The daemon understands three options:
+# -p <number> indicates which port it should bind to. The daemon
+# binds to the IPv6 unspecified address with the IPV6_V6ONLY option
+# set to 0, thus listening on both IPv6 and IPv4 families.
+# -k <filename> specifies the keyfile to use. This file contains one
+# or more keys, one per line, which will all be equally valid when
+# computing the MAC.
+# -f requests that the daemon ignore HUP and INT signals, and fork
+# once it has successfully set up its listening socket: the father
+# then prints its child's PID and exits successfully.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha256_hex);
+use Socket;
+use Socket6;
+use POSIX ();
+use Getopt::Std;
+use constant {
+my %opts;
+getopts("k:p:f", \%opts);
+my @authorized_keys;
+my $keyfilename = $opts{k};
+die "No key file specified (use -k option)" unless defined($keyfilename);
+sub readkeys {
+ open my $keyfile, "<", $keyfilename
+ or die "Cannot open key file $opts{k}: $!";
+ @authorized_keys = ();
+ while (<$keyfile>) {
+ chomp;
+ push @authorized_keys, $_;
+ }
+ close $keyfile;
+my $proto = getprotobyname("udp") or die "Can't resolve udp protocol: $!";
+my $port;
+if ( defined($opts{p}) ) {
+ $port = $opts{p};
+ $port =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "Invalid port number (-p option) $port";
+} else {
+ $port = DEFAULT_PORT;
+my $socket;
+socket $socket, PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto or die "Can't create socket: $!";
+if ( defined(IPV6_V6ONLY) ) {
+ setsockopt $socket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, 0 or die "Can't set IPV6_V6ONLY option to 0: $!";
+bind $socket, sockaddr_in6($port, in6addr_any) or die "Can't bind socket: $!";
+if ( $opts{f} ) {
+ my $childpid = fork;
+ die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined($childpid);
+ if ( $childpid ) {
+ print "$childpid\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+sub curtime {
+ my $fiddle = shift; $fiddle = 0 unless defined($fiddle);
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time+$fiddle);
+ return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
+my $mintime = "0";
+while (1) {
+ my $buf;
+ my $sender = recv($socket, $buf, 16384, 0);
+ my @lines = split /\015*\012|\|/s, $buf;
+ my $command = $lines[0]; $command = "" unless defined($command);
+ my $timestamp = $lines[1]; $timestamp = "" unless defined($timestamp);
+ my $maccheck = $lines[2]; $maccheck = "" unless defined($maccheck);
+ next PACKET if $command eq "";
+ if ( $command eq "PING" ) {
+ send $socket, "PONG\n", 0, $sender;
+ } elsif ( $command eq "DATE" ) {
+ send $socket, ("DATE\n".curtime."\n".$mintime."\n"), 0, $sender;
+ } else {
+ my $validate = "$command|$timestamp";
+ my $macchecked = 0;
+ foreach my $key ( @authorized_keys ) {
+ if ( $maccheck eq hmac_sha256_hex($validate, $key) ) {
+ $macchecked = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ( $macchecked ) {
+ send $socket, "!MAC\n", 0, $sender;
+ next PACKET;
+ }
+ my $datechecked = ($timestamp ge curtime(-30))
+ && ($timestamp le curtime(30))
+ && ($timestamp gt $mintime);
+ unless ( $datechecked ) {
+ send $socket, "!DAT\n", 0, $sender;
+ next PACKET;
+ }
+ $mintime = $timestamp;
+ if ( $command eq "NOOP" ) {
+ send $socket, "NOOP\n", 0, $sender;
+ } elsif ( $command eq "DPID" ) {
+ my $pid = POSIX::getpid;
+ send $socket, "DPID\n$pid\n", 0, $sender;
+ } elsif ( $command eq "DIE!" ) {
+ send $socket, "BYE!\n", 0, $sender;
+ exit 0;
+ } elsif ( $command eq "RKEY" ) {
+ my $resp = "DONE\n";
+ eval { readkeys };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ $resp = "!ERR\n$@";
+ }
+ send $socket, $resp, 0, $sender;
+ } elsif ( $command =~ /^SYRQ\s+(.*)$/ ) {
+ my $s = $1;
+ my $resp = "DONE\n";
+ eval {
+ open my $sysrq_trigger, ">", "/proc/sysrq-trigger" or die "Couldn't open /proc/sysrq-trigger for writing: $!";
+ print $sysrq_trigger $s or die "Couldn't write to /proc/sysrq-trigger: $!";
+ close $sysrq_trigger;
+ };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ $resp = "!ERR\n$@";
+ }
+ send $socket, $resp, 0, $sender;
+ } else {
+ send $socket, "!UNK\n", 0, $sender;
+ }
+ }